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목록클레이튼관련 (2)

Klaytn The Ground for All Blockchain Services www.klaytn.com Klaytn (KLAY) | Profile, Business, Token, Financials | Xangle The current market price for KLAY is $4.204 (0.27%). Use the Xangle registry to find information about KLAY. Data includes company registration info, social channels, fouder bio, partnerships, and much more. Klaytn is a public blockchain ...... xangle.io 프로젝트 유형 플랫폼 짧은 토큰 설명..

Orbit Chain (ORC) | Strategic Partnership (Everstake) Orbit Chain | The Orbit Chain team is happy to welcome Everstake as a Validator partner for Orbit Bridge. Orbit Bridge has seen explosive growth after launching, especially with the rise of KLAYswap, a Klaytn-based AMM liquidity protocol that uses Orbit Br xangle.io 프로젝트 유형 플랫폼 짧은 토큰 설명 ORC는 Orbit Chain의 플랫폼 토큰입니다. 토큰 사용 Orbit-Chain은 분산 형 IBC..